Rub dry hands thoroughly with the product, while fingertips, nails and the folds between the fingers should be well moistened. Make sure that the hands remain moist during the entire application time. Do not rinse hands afterwards.
Dosage: 3 ml for both hands: squeeze twice an amount of Blue Wonder Hand Gel the size of a 2 euro coin on the hand. Only use the product when hand disinfection is necessary, not for hand cleaning. Hands must be clean and dry before use. Apply gel undiluted. Minimum processing time: 30 seconds.
Additional information
100 ml
EAN code
Warning information
When seeking medical advice, have the packaging or label available. Keep out of reach of children.
Hand gel
Skin cleansing, with antibacterial effect
Rub dry hands thoroughly with the product, while fingertips, nails and the folds between the fingers should be well moistened. Make sure that the hands remain moist during the entire application time. Do not rinse hands afterwards.
Dosage: 3 ml for both hands: squeeze twice an amount of Blue Wonder Hand Gel the size of a 2 euro coin on the hand. Only use the product when hand disinfection is necessary, not for hand cleaning. Hands must be clean and dry before use. Apply gel undiluted. Minimum processing time: 30 seconds.
Additional information
100 ml
When seeking medical advice, have the packaging or label available. Keep out of reach of children.
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